
D4CR is a reliable and accurate data analysis and report generation system where users type requests to generate in-depth information to enlighten decision making processes. We carefully customize D4CR for our customers to provide them fundamental business reports, analytics and predictions by simply asking questions.

  • Natural Language Processing
    • Users simply type natural language requests to automatically enable intricate data analysis and report generation algorithms.
    • Automatic suggestions are made as the requests are typed to speed up the request process and to make it more accurate.
  • Customizable
    • Predefined standardized requests can be customized by simply rephrasing the request with new options.
    • Alternatively, a GUI is provided for customization of analysis and reports.
  • Flexible Input/Output
    • Predefined standardized requests can be customized by either rephrasing the request with new options or by using the left pane GUI.
  • Multi Platform
    • D4CR runs on Windows, Mac and Linux.
    • D4CR provides timely, reliable and accurate responses to user requests.
Sample requests and associated reports:

Clothing Retail



Puerto Rico Stats